Nu esti logat. Problemutza!#1 2007-11-28 17:10:47
Problemutza!Fetelor am si eu o problema dar nu de natura medicala...ci mai degraba cosmetica. Sper din tot sufletul k ma puteti ajuta sau macar sa imi dati un sfat. De ceva vreme a inceput sa imi cam cada parul (de la folosirea intensiva a placii as zice eu) si acum chiar nu stiu ce sa mai fac k problema a ajuns sa fie ingrijoratoare. I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge / That myth is more potent than history I believe that dreams are more powerful than facts / That hope always triumphs over experience That laughter is the only cure for grief / And I believe that love is stronger than death. Offline #2 2007-11-28 17:12:23
Re: Problemutza!hm...ou cu lapte...masca pt par...sau... ulei de racin merge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhKclOFokdQ about Sublocotenet Claudiu Marius Covrig http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRHKERmF-rg Offline #3 2007-11-28 17:13:48
Re: Problemutza!am incercat un tratament de la Kalos, dar nu prea se remarca prin rezultate deosebite, de aceea speram k poate stiti un remediu naturist la problema mea I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge / That myth is more potent than history I believe that dreams are more powerful than facts / That hope always triumphs over experience That laughter is the only cure for grief / And I believe that love is stronger than death. Offline #4 2007-11-28 17:21:28
Re: Problemutza!mergi si intreaba la un magazin naturist... Offline #5 2007-11-28 19:10:32
Re: Problemutza!simplu..poti mergi intr-o vizita la un medic dermatolog,ii explici problema si el poate sa iti dea un tratament super-bun,zic eu...plus,lasa placa deoparte cateva luni ca nu face bine parului.. ....Thought I never fall in love again...but ur out a perfect gentleman... Offline #6 2007-11-28 19:20:28
Re: Problemutza!Va multumesc pt. sfaturi. O sa incerc si reteta Andrei k deja m-a cam alarmat problema parului cazut...si chiar am renuntat la placa de ceva timp, dar parul continua sa cada. I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge / That myth is more potent than history I believe that dreams are more powerful than facts / That hope always triumphs over experience That laughter is the only cure for grief / And I believe that love is stronger than death. Offline #7 2007-11-28 19:21:44
Re: Problemutza!pana nu ii dau un tratament de durata va tot continua sa cada.. ....Thought I never fall in love again...but ur out a perfect gentleman... Offline #8 2007-11-28 19:31:57
Re: Problemutza!dar oare se poate sa fie si o problema dermatologica k de la o vreme am observat k am pielea foarte uscata, dar am mai tratat-o cu creme hidratante si acum e asa si asa...? :-? I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge / That myth is more potent than history I believe that dreams are more powerful than facts / That hope always triumphs over experience That laughter is the only cure for grief / And I believe that love is stronger than death. Offline #9 2007-11-28 19:36:31Re: Problemutza!http://www.gradina-online.ro/Tratamente … A3423.html uite mi s-a parut interesant.. Offline #10 2007-11-28 19:41:43
Re: Problemutza!am tenul normal spre gras...dar pe fatza nu neglijez niciodata sa ma dau cu crema, mai ales k mai am obiceiul de a o folosi k si baza de machiaj. ai foarte mare dreptate knd spui k trebuie sa avem grija de tenul nostru iarna... I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge / That myth is more potent than history I believe that dreams are more powerful than facts / That hope always triumphs over experience That laughter is the only cure for grief / And I believe that love is stronger than death. Offline #11 2007-11-29 07:55:20
Re: Problemutza!eu am folosit Vivaplant, pe baza de petrol, vreo 2 luni de zile (cam miroase parul a petrol) dar la mine efectul a fost garantat. dupa 1 an am facut iar tratamentul dar mai putin, vreo luna. Produsul e crema si-l gasesti la plafar sau alte magazie naturiste , si e la un pret mic. sper sa te ajute. Mami de fetite:pisoi si pisoias! Offline #12 2007-11-29 08:09:32
Re: Problemutza!vezi ca mai e un topic. la Cadee http://forummamici.ro/comunitate/viewtopic.php?id=11637 Offline
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