Nu esti logat. Va rog...un Sfat...:(-2#20 2008-03-16 22:37:41#21 2008-03-16 22:39:04
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(el sau tu...sau unul a venit in relatie cu ea (nu stiu de cat timp sunteti casatoriti)...dar chlamydia e o bts...adica boala cu transmitere sexuala... happy with him...inlove with him... Offline #22 2008-03-16 22:41:38
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(lol:)) sau eu? 'A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves / Like galaxies in my head / On and on the mysteries unwind themselves / Eternities still unsaid / til you love me' ( Sting - " A Thousand Years" ) Offline #23 2008-03-16 22:42:42
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(atunci se poate exclude varinta cu venitul cu ea in relatie... happy with him...inlove with him... Offline #24 2008-03-16 22:42:50
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(boala asta poti sa o ai de mult si sa nu stii de ea;asta am zis in general; Ultima oara a fost editat de @adriana (2008-03-16 22:56:09) Offline #25 2008-03-16 23:23:48
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(ok:) 'A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves / Like galaxies in my head / On and on the mysteries unwind themselves / Eternities still unsaid / til you love me' ( Sting - " A Thousand Years" ) Offline #26 2008-03-16 23:26:42#27 2008-03-19 13:48:08
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(Revin: 'A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves / Like galaxies in my head / On and on the mysteries unwind themselves / Eternities still unsaid / til you love me' ( Sting - " A Thousand Years" ) Offline #28 2008-03-19 13:54:01
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(1 e posibil sa fi fost si aia un factor happy with him...inlove with him... Offline #29 2008-03-19 13:55:53
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(e posibil sa o ai de foarte de mult, avind in vedere faptul ca ea e bine merci asimptomatica... Comentariile de mai sus au in exclusivitate scop informativ si educativ. Ele nu sunt menite si nu pot inlocui examinarea directa de catre medic. Offline #30 2008-03-19 13:58:31
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(va multumesc mult mult mult pt raspunsuri 'A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves / Like galaxies in my head / On and on the mysteries unwind themselves / Eternities still unsaid / til you love me' ( Sting - " A Thousand Years" ) Offline #31 2008-03-19 14:07:56
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(sa iei un nurofen...si un metoclopramid sa iti ia greata(care poate fi de la antibioticul cu care se trateaza chlamidia)....sper ca se trateaza si sotul Comentariile de mai sus au in exclusivitate scop informativ si educativ. Ele nu sunt menite si nu pot inlocui examinarea directa de catre medic. Offline #32 2008-03-19 14:24:25
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(multumesc din tot sufletul, Doctoressa! 'A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves / Like galaxies in my head / On and on the mysteries unwind themselves / Eternities still unsaid / til you love me' ( Sting - " A Thousand Years" ) Offline #33 2008-03-19 14:27:58
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(sigur are si el, pune-l sa se uite pe spermograma si va vedea. Comentariile de mai sus au in exclusivitate scop informativ si educativ. Ele nu sunt menite si nu pot inlocui examinarea directa de catre medic. Offline #34 2008-03-19 14:31:09
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(multumesc, Doctoressa , pt incurajari 'A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves / Like galaxies in my head / On and on the mysteries unwind themselves / Eternities still unsaid / til you love me' ( Sting - " A Thousand Years" ) Offline #35 2008-03-19 14:39:20
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(sanatate multa iti dorim Comentariile de mai sus au in exclusivitate scop informativ si educativ. Ele nu sunt menite si nu pot inlocui examinarea directa de catre medic. Offline #36 2008-03-19 15:13:28
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(zi-i sa nu se joace si sa ia tratamentul... asa face si al meu (tot cu chlamydia asta nenorocita ne luptam )... dar, daca lor le trece mai usor, noi, femeile, ne chinuim mai mult... sa n-o iei inapoi de la el... bate-l la cap sa se trateze si NEAPARAT repeta analizele la 2-3 saptamani dupa tratament. Mama-cioara de 2 pui... perfecti, cum altfel? Cristian Matei (12.01.10) si Gabriel (27.07.12) Despre wrapuri, slinguri, wrap-tai-uri si alte esarfe port-bebe... despre natural parenting, despre alaptare si... cate putin si despre noi: http://www.wrapsling.ro/blog/ Offline #37 2008-03-20 20:22:05
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(eu i-am zis 'A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves / Like galaxies in my head / On and on the mysteries unwind themselves / Eternities still unsaid / til you love me' ( Sting - " A Thousand Years" ) Offline #38 2008-03-28 18:52:46
Re: Va rog...un Sfat...:(
Buna fetelor. Am si eu aceeasi problema ca si voi..Chalmydia. Offline
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