Nu esti logat. Ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40-78#1464 2008-11-06 18:28:02
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40nu mai vine o data 29 noiembrie sa merg in iasi la un concert . They can because they think they can. Offline #1465 2008-11-06 18:28:18
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40seara buna si pupici la fete! Ultima oara a fost editat de lucia05 (2008-11-06 18:29:27) I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #1466 2008-11-06 18:28:34
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40gata merg sa ma spal pe cap in 5 min is gata tre sa ma uit si la regina... Offline #1467 2008-11-06 18:28:38
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40buna seara, fetele! "Viaţa se compune din ţevi sparte, din robinete care curg, din tencuieli coşcovite, din plase pe care le cari de la piaţă, din rufe care le speli, din coate-n tramvaie, dar şi din Bach şi din Beethoven, din Shakespeare şi din Tolstoi, din Eminescu şi din Blaga, din Michelangelo şi din Ţuculescu. Totul e viaţă." Thé à la menthe Offline #1468 2008-11-06 18:30:38
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40ce tare lucia faza cu buchetul Offline #1469 2008-11-06 18:30:42
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40tare, lucia faza cu buchetu Offline #1470 2008-11-06 18:34:09
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40eu vreau nunta medie #1471 2008-11-06 18:34:37
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40daca stau la birou, ma doare spatele.. daca stau in pat pe forum, ma doare gatu`.. nicicum nu`i bine Offline #1472 2008-11-06 18:35:18
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40
Offline #1473 2008-11-06 18:35:44
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40nuuuuu! locuiesc cu sotul si de cateva luni a venit si fratele meu. asta are 29 de anisori proaspat impliniti. Ultima oara a fost editat de lucia05 (2008-11-06 18:36:04) I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #1474 2008-11-06 18:36:33
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40Offline #1475 2008-11-06 18:39:28
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40
Ultima oara a fost editat de deyacrs (2008-11-06 18:39:41) Offline #1476 2008-11-06 18:40:00
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40ET, tu razi, dar ei saracii..... I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #1477 2008-11-06 18:40:32
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40mmhhhhh matzu meu a pregatit o carnita cu sos la tigaie si piure azi el e bucatarul Feels Like Heaven http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-btzC_VqBI Offline #1478 2008-11-06 18:41:44
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40Femeia-barbat Offline #1479 2008-11-06 18:42:05
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40vai lucia! coma??? Offline #1480 2008-11-06 18:42:52
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40tampeeeeeesc .am chef de ceva fun ,o iesire o ceva Ultima oara a fost editat de OneOnly (2008-11-06 18:43:31) They can because they think they can. Offline #1481 2008-11-06 18:43:01
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40Va dati seama cat a incasat pana la coma aia? Offline #1482 2008-11-06 18:43:42
Re: ce gandesti acum - offtopic 40 I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline
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