Nu esti logat. Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55-121#2281 2009-01-20 19:47:37
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55eu ma retrag.ne citorim maine sa aveti noapte buna Nu ştiu care este cheia succesului , dar cea a eşecului este să încerci să mulţumeşti pe fiecare..... Offline #2282 2009-01-20 19:47:46
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55eu trebuie sa ies pe afara sa ma duc la bucatarie asa ca... expect the worst , hope for the best! Offline #2283 2009-01-20 19:48:02
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55hello lady pink Offline #2284 2009-01-20 19:48:36
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55
noapte buna Offline #2285 2009-01-20 19:50:15
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55anna, peste pulpite pune felute de kiwi dar sa fie copt...e asa bun dupa ce se face in cuptor e dulce acrisor mie imi place tare I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #2286 2009-01-20 19:50:15Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55noapte buna, ramona! Offline #2287 2009-01-20 19:50:23
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55ce-mi place ca pot avea rabdare si apoi sa intampla ceva fara sa mai zic eu expect the worst , hope for the best! Offline #2288 2009-01-20 19:51:11
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55nu ies nicaieri` #2289 2009-01-20 19:51:31Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55lucia, fusei pe la frate-meu astazi, apoi s-a taiat curentul cand am ajuns acasa si de-abia acum m-am postat si eu un pic la laptop am descoperit de curand placerea de a bea lapte cald cu miere si am baut si in seara asta o cana. nothing unusual, nothing spectacular Offline #2290 2009-01-20 19:51:46
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55la ce te referi yohana? Offline #2291 2009-01-20 19:52:30
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55skumpi da dc te-ai certat iar cu el?cand?ai povestit pe undeva? expect the worst , hope for the best! Offline #2292 2009-01-20 19:53:00
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55maine dupa ce vin d la examen fac pizza ta annabel #2293 2009-01-20 19:53:27
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55in alta ordine de idei: ce fac eu cu picioarele? :f?rv?nad: sunt atat de reci ca ma dor!!!! la termografie nu mi s-au mai vazut cam de la 10 cm deasupra gleznei...adica nu aveau nici un pic de caldura in ele....si parca era ceva si legat de ac si picioare, dar nu ma dor in sensul ca le simt grele, ale mele sunt doar sloi I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #2294 2009-01-20 19:53:47
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55annabel ma refer in relatia cu ubitu adica inainte nu ma intreba ce am facut peste zi iar eu as fi vrut.iar acum ma intreaba fara sa fi zis eu ceva eh o chestie.. expect the worst , hope for the best! Offline #2295 2009-01-20 19:54:20
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55buena sera Feels Like Heaven http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-btzC_VqBI Offline #2296 2009-01-20 19:54:30
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55
da!da! te tin sub urmarire! aseara ai fost pe forum dar la offtopic nu ai intrat! I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #2297 2009-01-20 19:56:07
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55lucia si mie mi`s gheatza picioarele desi stau cu soseste si papuci d casa` #2298 2009-01-20 19:57:03
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55
Asa-s si mainile? Offline #2299 2009-01-20 19:57:06
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 55annabel: iei o tava mai inalta, o ungi cu ulei de masline, pui pulpele in ea si ciuperci printre ele, si pui cate un strop-doi de ulei de masline pe pulpe si pe ciupercutze. sarezi totul, pui busuioc peste pulpe si putin marar peste ciuperci, peste toate astea incepi si pui rondele de kiwi si de rosii. si pui putina apa, cam o jumatate de ceasca dar asa pe margine sa nu speli condimentele. bagi la cuptor si gata! I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline
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