Nu esti logat. Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57-60#1122 2009-01-27 18:25:14
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57eu am facut niste pui cu ciuperci si masline, cu sos de ardei si cum sunt disperata sa ma ingras am fiert si niste spaghete si am papat combinat I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #1123 2009-01-27 18:25:18
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57
ramona stiu.am dat 5 examene pana acum si mai am inca 4.chef am avut maxim(ptiu sa nu-mi fie de deochi)dar s-a redus considerabil Offline #1124 2009-01-27 18:25:21
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57
si eu tocmai am desfacut doza Offline #1125 2009-01-27 18:25:33
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57eu din joi in pasti am chef sa beau bere(nu-mi place aia normala ca e mai amara)si atunci beau 2 guri si gata al meu mereu face misto de mine cand zic ca mi-e pofta de bere ca stie ca abia ma ating de ea ★★★ Candle light, moon light, star light, The brightest glow is from love light ★★★ Offline #1126 2009-01-27 18:26:25
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57io am terminat-o alina Indragostita de bebe Razvan si de tatic de bebe Razvan ♥ 2 ani+ ♥ No matter how you feel. Get up, dress up, show up, and NEVER give up Offline #1127 2009-01-27 18:27:02
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57
eu eram beata deja ★★★ Candle light, moon light, star light, The brightest glow is from love light ★★★ Offline #1128 2009-01-27 18:27:34
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57oo prima parte suna ff bine lucia. Offline #1129 2009-01-27 18:28:06
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57aaaaa! deci asa ! beti! ma duc si eu sa beau! imi storc un gref si o mandarina si sa vedeti atunci! I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #1130 2009-01-27 18:28:59
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57
mi-a dat iuby de 2 ori anul asta sa gust bere:"iuby da bea ca e super.pe bune ca nu e amara". Offline #1131 2009-01-27 18:29:26
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57
da Offline #1132 2009-01-27 18:30:17
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57am bagat putin conquiztador, si acum m-as duce la o baitza Offline #1133 2009-01-27 18:30:22
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57anabel,nu doar baloneaza...ingrasa ★★★ Candle light, moon light, star light, The brightest glow is from love light ★★★ Offline #1134 2009-01-27 18:31:59
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57mie imi palce berea mai ales vara k'i rece ... si e mai sanatoasa ca un suc Poate ca par fragila, neajutorata si nepamanteana, dar am structura de otel. Offline #1135 2009-01-27 18:32:29
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57
stiu Offline #1136 2009-01-27 18:33:10
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #1137 2009-01-27 18:36:26
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57al1na, am luat puiul, l-am ciobanit , am pus putin ulei intr-o cratita si bucatile de pui, capacul de oala, focul mediu si am invartit bucatiel pana s-au albit. apoi am pus putina vegeta si o cana de apa si vreo 3 linguri de pasta de ardei facuta de mine. cand carnea a fost fiarta, am pus cuipercile ( de la borcan ) si maslinele si o lingurita de zahar. la sfarsit am tras si putin oregano pe deasupra si am lasat sa se abureasca sub capac. I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #1138 2009-01-27 18:37:49
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57Am si eu o problema... mi s-au dezlipit putin adidasii de sport si chiar n-am chef sa dau banii pe unii noi(mai sunt si ffff frumosi ).. am incercat sa-i lipesc cu un lipici gen super glue... dar nu tine.. cred ca am nevoie de unul mai "elastic". Aveti idee ce as putea sa folosesc? Offline #1139 2009-01-27 18:38:10
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57lucia Offline #1140 2009-01-27 18:38:57
Re: Ce gandesti acum - un topic unde poti fi offtopic 57of,am cautat la 3 supermarketuri tava de tort in forma de inima si n-am gasit ★★★ Candle light, moon light, star light, The brightest glow is from love light ★★★ Offline
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