- BabyLove
- Sr. member
- Inregistrat: 2008-07-19
- Mesaje: 1266
- Chick
- Sr. member
- Inregistrat: 2008-08-02
- Mesaje: 1336
Re: Engleza:(
eu citesc cartea asta acum.... pai cred ca ai putea sa incepi prin o fraza de introducere in care spui ca exista carti care ne marcheaza in mod evident comportamentul,gandirea bla bla dupa,vb putin despre carte,dar date generale gen ca e scrisa de un barbat,ca e facuta sa fie citita si de femei si de barbati,ca e ironica,usor de inteles etc si ca incheiere poti sa spui ca esti foarte fericita ca ai ales sa o citesti ptr ca esti la o varsta la care ai nevoie de sfaturi pertinente si obiective...
asta ca schema generala v-a cerut profa ceva anume,sa scrieti ceva anume?
- BabyLove
- Sr. member
- Inregistrat: 2008-07-19
- Mesaje: 1266
Re: Engleza:(
Nu ceva anume..doar ce am spus mai sus,sa prezentam cartea,dar sa nu spunem despre ce este vb in ea ea,adica rezumam.Trebuie sa dau argumente solide pt a-i influenta pe cei prezenti sa o citeasca
- Chick
- Sr. member
- Inregistrat: 2008-08-02
- Mesaje: 1336
Re: Engleza:(
pai spune si tu ca e impartita pe capitole in care sunt analizate impreuna sau separat comportamentul ambelor sexe.Ca e foarte interesanta din acest punct de vedere tocmai ptr ca ii explicata ,pe intelesul unei femei,comportamentul masculin si invers.De asemenea,sunt analizate niste comportamente general valabile,cum ca barbatii nu vorbesc cand au probleme,pe cand femeile aleg sa desparta firul in 4 ptr a se descarca si explicate aceste diferente.Cartea pune accentul pe faptul ca exista intelegere perfecta in cuplu,dar ca orice tentativa de a schimba partenerul in loc de a-l accepta si intelege ptr ceea ce este,duce la certuri. Ce sa-ti mai spus?iti zic cu ce m-a ajutat pe mine.De ex,de multe ori incercam sa-l schimb pe al meu fara sa inteleg ca de fapt el este asa construit.acum ca am citit cartea,am inteles sa nu mai insist cu schimbarile mele ptr ca de el sunt percepute ca niste reprosuri,ca un fel de "nu esti suficient de bun". E un dictionar practic cartea...la un moment dat chiar sunt date niste fraze si explicate cum sunt percepute de sexul opus si cum ar trb sa fie formulate ptr a fii percepute corect.scopul capitolului de care vb este punerea in evidenta a modului total diferit de a comunica a sexelor,femeile sunt in general fataliste si fac generalizari aiurea (gen "tu nu ma iubesti","nu ma scoti niciodata in oras")iar barbatii exprima doar dorinte,fapte,lucruri concrete,iar in general,ce spun,aia si vor sa fie inteles,fara intelesuri ascunse. Cred ca am fost tare incoerenta,imi cer scuze:))
- BabyLove
- Sr. member
- Inregistrat: 2008-07-19
- Mesaje: 1266
Re: Engleza:(
E bine si asa chick..ms mult:*
- life
- Hero member
- Inregistrat: 2008-05-23
- Mesaje: 2469
Re: Engleza:(
Cauta pe google in engleza despre o carte.Sigur o sa gasesti tot ce vrei
We Have To Be Strong !!!
- Loveable
- Diamond member
- Inregistrat: 2008-02-12
- Mesaje: 51293
Re: Engleza:(
in liceu la "american cinema" am invatat sa scriem review`uri despre filme (si carti).. acuma nu as mai sti f bine...da vb lui life...da pe google "review numele cartii" si sigur gasesti
- BabyLove
- Sr. member
- Inregistrat: 2008-07-19
- Mesaje: 1266
Re: Engleza:(
Am facut pana la urma ceva Cartea ?Barbatii sunt de pe Marte,iar femeile sunt de pe Venus? scrisa de John Gray,este un manual al relatiilor de dragoste in anii '90. El dezvaluie felul in care se deosebesc barbatii de femei in toate domeniile vietii.Nu numai ca cele doua sexe comunica diferit, dar ele gandesc, simt, percep, reactioneaza, iubesc si apreciaza in mod diferit. Citind aceasta carte ajungI sa cunosti modul de a gandi al sexului opus, incepi sa analizezi comportamentul celuilalt si sa te pui chiar in pielea acestuia. In aceasta carte se trateaza in paralel comportamentul femeii si al barbatului, replicile unuia si modul in care sunt percepute de celalalt si chiar ne sugereaza care ar fi rezolvarea. Cand iti aduci aminte ca partenerul difera de tine la fel de mult ca cineva de pe alta planeta, poti sa te relaxezi si sa cooperezi, in loc sa te opui si sa incerci sa elimini diferentele. Dupa parerea mea cartea este minunata, este usor de perceput si foarte folositoare.Dupa ce o citesti si te lovesti de anumite probleme de cuplu e imposibil sa nu te gandesti la vreo replica din carte si sa nu o consideri o posibila solutie. Acum cine am ajuta sa o traduc in lb engleza?
- Blue_Doll89
- New member
- Inregistrat: 2009-02-07
- Mesaje: 40
Re: Engleza:(
Am intalnit si eu acest subiect,cand am dat atestatul la engleza:) uite am aici un rezumat din ce invatasem eu de cand am citit si din ce ai mai zis tu.daca doresti asa,daca nu il putem si traduce pe al tau.eu iti ofer o solutie;))
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus (published in May 1992) is a book by John Gray offering many suggestions for improving husband-wife relationships by understanding the communication style and emotional needs of the opposite gender. In contrast to some psychologists (and feminists) who emphasize similarities between the sexes, Gray writes almost exclusively about differences. Gray says that his "Martians" and "Venusians" are only stereotypes and cannot be applied blindly to individuals.Other concepts in the book are the difference between women and men's point systems and how they react under stress.On my opinion,the book is great,very useful and easy to percept.After reading it,you might get face to face to the same problems in couple and why not...you might find out how to get rid of them,by using one or more lines that you have read.
"When you feel alone,i'm gonna be your home... "
- BabyLove
- Sr. member
- Inregistrat: 2008-07-19
- Mesaje: 1266
Re: Engleza:(
E bun si al tau,dar l'am tradus deja pe al meu si l'am scris pe foaie..sper sa fie bun si ala..oricum ms pt intentie
- Chick
- Sr. member
- Inregistrat: 2008-08-02
- Mesaje: 1336
Re: Engleza:(
citisem doar ce e in engleza la tine blue si ma miram cum de tratuceai asa ce a zis babylove:))) chiar ma gandeam...bai cat inventeaza...
- Blue_Doll89
- New member
- Inregistrat: 2009-02-07
- Mesaje: 40
Re: Engleza:(
Chick a scris:citisem doar ce e in engleza la tine blue si ma miram cum de tratuceai asa ce a zis babylove:))) chiar ma gandeam...bai cat inventeaza...
prima data m-am apucat sa traduc ce a scris ea pana ce mi-am amintit k aveam deja
BabyLove:cu placere
"When you feel alone,i'm gonna be your home... "
- Melany1
- Banat
- Inregistrat: 2008-02-07
- Mesaje: 8186
Re: Engleza:(
are cineva un exemplu de plan de lecrie in engleza?ca imi trebuie un model sa ma inspir ptr ca lunea viitoare trebuie sa predau..pls helpp
- camysh
- Moderator
- Inregistrat: 2007-12-08
- Mesaje: 37788
Re: Engleza:(
ce inseamna "puff pastry"?
- heimdall
- Diamond member
- Inregistrat: 2006-11-21
- Mesaje: 137398
Re: Engleza:(
camysh a scris:ce inseamna "puff pastry"?
aluat de foietaj
- heimdall
- Diamond member
- Inregistrat: 2006-11-21
- Mesaje: 137398
Re: Engleza:(
n-ai pt ce
- negriiluciana
- Full member
- De la: bucuesti
- Inregistrat: 2009-05-09
- Mesaje: 145
Re: Engleza:(
ma ajuta si pe mine cineva la eng plzzz....
cik cerinta : in each example, one sentence (or claude) relates to an uncompleted action or series of action in a extended period of present tine and the other relates to an action or series of actions that have ocurred at some time before the present and that are relevant to the current situation. rewrite the sentences, using the present progressive tense in one sentence( or clause) of each exmple, and the present perfect in the other. the adverbs in italics should be put in their correct position ex: he (write) a history of Engalnd in six volumes. Two wolumes (already publish) he is writing a history of England in six volumes. Two volumes have been already published.
si akum mai am aja :
1 . the CHancellor ( constantly receive) suggestions for simplifying the tax system. These (on occasion be) quite sensible. 2. the company (push ahead) with its plans for the establishment of new supermarkets. Five new stores( open-passive)) during the past twelve months. 3. the governament ( apparently win) the fight against inflation. A steady fall ( record-passive) over the last six months. 4. troops (still have to) deal with sporadic outbreaks of violence. although the situation (now quieten down) considerably.
ma ajuta plzzzz si pe mn cinvea
- space
- Hero member
- Inregistrat: 2008-03-14
- Mesaje: 2387
Re: Engleza:(
negriiluciana a scris:ma ajuta si pe mine cineva la eng plzzz....
cik cerinta : in each example, one sentence (or claude) relates to an uncompleted action or series of action in a extended period of present tine and the other relates to an action or series of actions that have ocurred at some time before the present and that are relevant to the current situation. rewrite the sentences, using the present progressive tense in one sentence( or clause) of each exmple, and the present perfect in the other. the adverbs in italics should be put in their correct position ex: he (write) a history of Engalnd in six volumes. Two wolumes (already publish) he is writing a history of England in six volumes. Two volumes have been already published.
si akum mai am aja :
1 . the CHancellor ( constantly receive) suggestions for simplifying the tax system. These (on occasion be) quite sensible. 2. the company (push ahead) with its plans for the establishment of new supermarkets. Five new stores( open-passive)) during the past twelve months. 3. the governament ( apparently win) the fight against inflation. A steady fall ( record-passive) over the last six months. 4. troops (still have to) deal with sporadic outbreaks of violence. although the situation (now quieten down) considerably.
ma ajuta plzzzz si pe mn cinvea
1. The chancellor is constantly receiving suggestions for simplifying the tax system. These on occasion have been quite sensible. 2. The company is pushing ahead with its plans for the establishment of new supermarkets. Five new stores have been opened (aici as fi pus were opened, dar in cerinta zice ca trebuie present perfect) during the past twelve months. 3. The government is apparently winning the fight against inflation. A steady fall has been recorded over the last six months. 4. Troops are still having to deal with sporadic outbreaks of violence, although the situation has now quietened down considerably.
Cred ca asa ar fi...
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