Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46-128

#2414 2011-05-01 11:13:08

Sr. member
Inregistrat: 2010-08-20
Mesaje: 1757

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

Mada kram kram kram
Poke sa te auda Doamne Doamne! puss kram
Sa ne ajute Dumnezeu sa ne tinem bebeii in brate cat mai curand!

Far oare ce mai face?
O minune creste in burtica la mami!Sunt cea mai fericita!
bebe 38+



#2415 2011-05-01 11:13:31

Almi Ingerash
Addicted member
De la: capătul țării..
Inregistrat: 2009-06-15
Mesaje: 11375

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

dea puss goodluck hai cu testul +

??? Everything will be OK at the end. If it's not OK, it's not the end.  ???
..::: bebe Eveline-Ioana (29.05.2015) prin FIV bebe :::..
..::: bebe Erika-Maria (10.02.2020) natural bebe :::..



#2416 2011-05-01 11:14:59

Platinum member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2010-01-29
Mesaje: 16848

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

Poke, egg-ul poate sa apara cu multe zile inainte de ovulatie si poti ovula si fara egg asa cum poti avea egg dar sa nu ovulezi  cesafac 

Onutza, la ovulatie poate fi si watery   goodluck

nu merge ff cesafac

LE: Deea puss  ti-am vazut graficul dimineata!  goodluck  goodluck

Poke, eu cred ca tu ovulezi mai tarziu luna asta  wink

Almi puss  forgetit

Ultima oara a fost editat de mikado (2011-05-01 11:17:41)




#2417 2011-05-01 11:17:32

Hero member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2011-02-10
Mesaje: 4993

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

Far nu a mai intrat eu ma intreb ce face oare nustiu



#2418 2011-05-01 11:19:12

Platinum member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2010-01-29
Mesaje: 16848

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

Sonia , odihna zici?  chicot  patfierbinte  wave

Using Robitussin/Guaifenesin to Improve Cervical Mucus

At first most people wonder what on earth a cough syrup has to do with fertility, but the logic is easily found in the fact that it is an expectorant and is being used to loosen and thin mucus - just in a different place than the lungs!

The name Robitussin was used in the title of this FAQ as it is a common brand of cough syrup in the United States. It is used on the fertility boards and newsgroups in the same manner as saying Band-Aid for an adhesive strip used to cover a cut. Any expectorant that contains guaifenesin as the only active ingredient is fine to use.

What kind of Robitussin is used to improve cervical mucus?

One should buy the plain kind with no letters after it. The only active ingredient is guaifenesin, and it contains 100 mg per teaspoon. It is very important to avoid the versions that contain decongestants as those may dry up cervical mucus. Also, there is some conflicting information about whether dextromethorphan, the DM in some cough medicine names, may be linked to birth defects such as neural tube defects and cleft palate.

Do I need to use the brand Robitussin?

No. Robitussin is the most common brand name, at least in the U.S., that carries a guaifenesin-only expectorant, but there are other brands and generics available. As long as the only active ingredient is guaifenesin, you can use any variety you find. For those with diabetes or otherwise concerned about sugar intake, there is the brand Diabetic Tussin available.

What is the recommended dose of guaifenesin?

The recommended dose for improving cervical mucus, based on a 1982 article in Fertility and Sterility, is two teaspoons (200 mg) taken orally three times per day. If mucus still appears thick and doesn't have good spinnbarkeit (ability to stretch), one can take as much as four teaspoons (400 mg) four times per day (the maximum dose on this over the counter medication). Each dose should be taken with a full glass of water, and attention should be given to drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day -- one needs water to produce mucus.

What cycle days should one take guaifenesin?

Just as the dose can vary a bit, so can the days. The article linked above had patients starting the guaifenesin on cycle day 5 - five days after the start of menses. This seems rather early as mucus is not an issue until about five days before ovulation - based on the fact that sperm can only live five days at best, and most pregnancies are the result of intercourse in the five days leading up to ovulation. Because of this information, it is now more common for doctors to suggest starting guaifenesin about five days before expected ovulation and continuing through ovulation day (six days total, for those with regular cycles). For those with irregular cycles, one should start taking guaifenesin about five days before the earliest day ovulation might be expected. For those taking Clomid (clomiphene citrate, Serophene) in a 5-day protocol, one can probably wait until the day after the last Clomid pill before starting the expectorant.

Is guaifenesin available in pill form?

Yes, but in most cases a prescription is needed. In the U.S., one can get a 600 mg time released caplet as the generic Guaifenesin CR, or brands Humibid LA, and Fenesin. This is often less expensive than the liquid. Another brand that is available OTC is Mucinex, though it probably is not a cost savings.

How does one diagnose cervical factor/hostile mucus?

Many women try taking guaifenesin after noting little or no egg white (stretchy) cervical mucus while charting their fertility signals, but clinically it is diagnosed when a doctor checks mucus one or two days before ovulation in what is usually referred to as a post-coital test. The doctor does a vaginal exam and takes a sample of mucus to immediately analyze under a microscope to check for live sperm and for a ferning pattern. It is also checked for signs of infection. Quality mucus will be stretchy, fern, lack cellularity, and have live sperm swimming in it.

Why do so many women take guaifenesin while on Clomid?

Clomid (clomiphene citrate, Serophene) can cause hostile mucus in 30 percent or more of women using it. Higher doses tend to be more associated with less cervical fluid and a thinner uterine lining, than the 50 mg dose.

Will guaifenesin help if there is little or no mucus present?

Guaifenesin doesn't actually create mucus, it only thins what is already there. One would need to look into why there is no mucus (infection, not really ovulating), or bypass the mucus issue by doing intrauterine insemination.

Does one need to take guaifenesin when doing intrauterine insemination (IUI)?

It would only make sense to take guaifenesin if one is planning to have intercourse in addition to doing IUI. Those doing donor insemination, for example, wouldn't benefit.

Will taking guaifenesin cause any problems if it isn't needed?

Probably not. Since fertile mucus can be watery, there is probably no harm in taking guaifenesin and thinning it out.

What are some other possible ways to improve cervical mucus?

Drinking plenty of water should always be considered in addition to any other therapies one might try. Estrogen is sometimes given to help mucus production, though doctors have mixed opinions of its benefit, especially when used with Clomid (and some suggest using Tamoxifen instead of Clomid). Injectable gonadotropins used for controlled ovarian hyperstimulation often have a positive effect on cervical mucus as well. Some home/natural remedies include eating salty foods such as popcorn (mucus is very salty), taking evening primrose oil, avoiding dairy products (they can thicken mucus), eating lots of baby carrots, and also avoiding antihistamines, including high doses of vitamin C. Another suggestion that is increasing in popularity is to drink grapefruit juice in order to improve or increase the amount of cervical mucus. If one is on prescription medications, it is a good idea to look for warning about grapefruit juice consumption (it isn't recommended with several medications for hypertension, for example).

Ultima oara a fost editat de mikado (2011-05-01 11:21:10)




#2419 2011-05-01 11:20:21

Diamond member
De la: Craiova
Inregistrat: 2006-10-06
Mesaje: 33434

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

mika, draguta, multumesc!
deci, inteleg ca egg-ul poa' sa apara in orice fel de conditii lol
o sa vad zilele urmatoare ce se intampla....

Indragostita de bebe Razvan si de tatic de bebe Razvan ♥ 2 ani+ ♥
No matter how you feel. Get up, dress up, show up, and NEVER give up



#2420 2011-05-01 11:20:30

Insomniac member
De la: Neamt
Inregistrat: 2007-07-09
Mesaje: 9163

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

mika, eu zic pas. cum o vrea DD, nu-mi fac iluzii chiar din prima luna, ca la noi practic e prima luna in care incercam. imi doresc sa raman repede, dar astept in liniste uratii...

dea goodluck sa fie bebe puss

Un vis implinit, o familie fericită! Sunt mămică de fetiță și băiat!  hjartahjartahjarta



#2421 2011-05-01 11:24:53

Platinum member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2010-01-29
Mesaje: 16848

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

deci, pana si siropul de tuse e bun pt egg  rotfl2

Onutza, nu se stie  goodluck

Poke, tu ai luat evening primrose luna asta, nu?




#2422 2011-05-01 11:24:54

Sr. member
Inregistrat: 2010-08-20
Mesaje: 1757

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

Almi puss kram par Multumesc din suflet!

Mika,inseamna ca ai apucat sa-l vezi!Ce parere ai? puss si multumesc ! Mika nu am apucat sa vad graficele,dar din cate am citit au aparut iar uratii,offff..... supa imi pare tare tare rau!

Onutza par puss kram
O minune creste in burtica la mami!Sunt cea mai fericita!
bebe 38+



#2423 2011-05-01 11:27:26

Almi Ingerash
Addicted member
De la: capătul țării..
Inregistrat: 2009-06-15
Mesaje: 11375

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

poke eu am avut egg din ziua 8 lol

mika ai mail puss

??? Everything will be OK at the end. If it's not OK, it's not the end.  ???
..::: bebe Eveline-Ioana (29.05.2015) prin FIV bebe :::..
..::: bebe Erika-Maria (10.02.2020) natural bebe :::..



#2424 2011-05-01 11:29:43

Platinum member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2010-01-29
Mesaje: 16848

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

Deea puss  a crescut frumos temeperatura ta  majoreta  goodluck  eu cred ca poti face si test  wink

Almi, citit  par

eu am avut egg si imediat dupa menstra si dupa ovulatie ... nustiu




#2425 2011-05-01 11:30:15

Hero member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2011-02-10
Mesaje: 4993

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

Chiar asa!
Si eu am luat evening primrose. Cred ca d-aia ovulez mai devreme....



#2426 2011-05-01 11:34:16

Platinum member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2010-01-29
Mesaje: 16848

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

Mada, si asta poate fi un motiv pentru care ai ovulat mai devreme  cesafac




#2427 2011-05-01 11:35:08

Diamond member
De la: Craiova
Inregistrat: 2006-10-06
Mesaje: 33434

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

da, am luat luminita doar in primele 10 zile pt ca am luat cu vit e si stiu ca nu e bine sa iei toata luna.
egg am avut o sg zi, dar ovulatia nu se stie lol

Indragostita de bebe Razvan si de tatic de bebe Razvan ♥ 2 ani+ ♥
No matter how you feel. Get up, dress up, show up, and NEVER give up



#2428 2011-05-01 11:37:56

Hero member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2011-02-10
Mesaje: 4993

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

mikado a scris:

Mada, si asta poate fi un motiv pentru care ai ovulat mai devreme  cesafac

Mika, da, dar si acum 2 luni am luat 10 zile si am ovulat in ziua 16...cine stie nustiu

Dea si chiar nu-ti faci curaj pentru un testuletz ? D



#2429 2011-05-01 11:38:34

Sr. member
Inregistrat: 2010-08-20
Mesaje: 1757

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

Mika multumesc ! Cred ca o sa fac si un test,dar poate maine ca azi poate nu iasa bine daca nu este cu prima urina! Am inteles ca dupa ziua 14 DPO se poate face!Nu asi vrea sa ma grabesc! Dar,mai am o intrebare: sa zicem ca ar fii bebe,ar trebui sa se mentina crescuta si zilele urmatoare nu?

eu nu prea stiu chestiile astea cu egg,sau watery ca nu le prind niciodata! :rotfl

Mada kram nu sunt sigura ca as face test! Poate imi mai revin mai tarziu si ma razgandesc! Frica asta! Si ma simt asa puternica cateodata si cand vine vremea sa fac test .....

Am unul in casa Surecheck este bun?

Ultima oara a fost editat de dea_dea (2011-05-01 11:40:59)
O minune creste in burtica la mami!Sunt cea mai fericita!
bebe 38+



#2430 2011-05-01 11:43:49

Hero member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2011-02-10
Mesaje: 4993

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

e  bun surecheck.
poti face maine cu prima urina puss



#2431 2011-05-01 11:46:41

Insomniac member
De la: Neamt
Inregistrat: 2007-07-09
Mesaje: 9163

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

dea goodluck la test, sa se lase cu samburel la tine in burtica!

Un vis implinit, o familie fericită! Sunt mămică de fetiță și băiat!  hjartahjartahjarta



#2432 2011-05-01 11:49:07

Platinum member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2010-01-29
Mesaje: 16848

Re: Topic pentru aspirantele la titlul de mamica-46

Poke, dar puteai sa iei toata luna luminita...continutul de vitamina E este mic (10mg), faza cu 10 zile /luna se refera la vitamina E de 100 iau femibion 1/zi si contine si vitamina E 13 mg puss

Mada, difera de la luna la luna  par

Deea,  unele fete au avut test+ si in 10DPO asa ca  goodluck  goodluck






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