Ce gandesti acum?-679

#12883 2007-11-02 22:33:10

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-20
Mesaje: 6767

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

ma simt ca dracu sad

it doesn`t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect as long as they are perfect for each other



#12884 2007-11-02 22:42:29

Hero member
De la: bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2006-02-15
Mesaje: 4694

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

noapte buna tuturor!

Avem 1 an si 5 lunite



#12885 2007-11-02 23:40:55

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-20
Mesaje: 6767

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

acuma a sunat sami zica ca ma iubeste big_smile vai ca am crezut ca mor daca nu vb cu el ...acuma pot sa dorm linistita big_smilebig_smile is happy big_smile big_smile big_smile

it doesn`t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect as long as they are perfect for each other



#12886 2007-11-02 23:41:56


Re: Ce gandesti acum?

acuma am venit d la iubiii..tra la la la..am stat toata seara in patuc..la tv...ne`am strans in bratze si ne`am pupat big_smile


#12887 2007-11-03 02:17:16

New member
Inregistrat: 2007-10-07
Mesaje: 8

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

O iubesc mult de tot pe byta mea hjartahjartahjartahjarta big_smile

Acum ma apuc iar de muncaaa.... de 3 sapt tot muncesc sa strang bani sa ma intorc acasa la byta mea smile
Acushi vine ziua mult asteptata...

Sper totushi sa mai aiba oleaca de rabdare ... ea sta cam prost la capitolul asta neutral

~hjarta I l0\/3 my b@by m0lt d3 t0t hjarta~



#12888 2007-11-03 06:57:26

Hero member
De la: Winnie the Pooh
Inregistrat: 2007-10-12
Mesaje: 3707

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

woi; delfinashul e mascota mea si a lui iubi; mi-ai aduc aminte de el; maine vine, cred; sau luni; m-a prins mesageria vocala a unui zapp' ptiuuu; nu mai dau niciun beep; nik; c-est fini!



#12889 2007-11-03 07:02:00

Hero member
De la: Winnie the Pooh
Inregistrat: 2007-10-12
Mesaje: 3707

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

ce odihnit e calculatorul meu si ce bine merge!



#12890 2007-11-03 07:53:34

Insomniac member
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2006-03-09
Mesaje: 9529

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

vleau ceva dulce :-<

Sim y 



#12891 2007-11-03 07:58:48

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-20
Mesaje: 6767

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

mi foame big_smile mam trezit bine dispusa ...cei drept cu ochii un pic umflati ca aseara ma incercat un pic plansu big_smile da macar bine cai bine acuma

it doesn`t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect as long as they are perfect for each other



#12892 2007-11-03 08:04:06

Hero member
De la: Winnie the Pooh
Inregistrat: 2007-10-12
Mesaje: 3707

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

o zi buna, Dida! pofta buuna! si eu plec sa pap!



#12893 2007-11-03 08:04:38

Addicted member
Participant la intalnirea nationala
De la: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: 2006-01-14
Mesaje: 14580

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

Cred ca racesc sad



#12894 2007-11-03 08:07:06

Hero member
De la: Winnie the Pooh
Inregistrat: 2007-10-12
Mesaje: 3707

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

am inceput unjurnal pe un site; si scriu pe acolo ce mai imi bubuie mintea! si-i asa pustiu pe forumul ala; parca esti singur pe lume; adica tocmai bine sa tii linistit o evidenta sufleteasca de zile mari!



#12895 2007-11-03 08:10:46

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-20
Mesaje: 6767

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

ms ela pusspuss

it doesn`t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect as long as they are perfect for each other



#12896 2007-11-03 08:13:48

Inregistrat: 2007-10-25
Mesaje: 11922

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

neata...ce bine sa dormi mai mult...astept sms de la iubitul meu...haaaaiii odata.

N. Iorga: "Unii oameni au demnitatea ambitiei lor, altii a situatiei lor, cei mai putini au demnitatea persoanei lor."
Eu le am pe toate trei...



#12897 2007-11-03 08:23:20

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-20
Mesaje: 6767

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

sa se trezeasca odata sa vina la cafea big_smile

it doesn`t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect as long as they are perfect for each other



#12898 2007-11-03 08:24:42

Hero member
Inregistrat: 2007-06-03
Mesaje: 2205

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

O noua zi de jobi.....vai de mine

You make me so hot, You make me wanna drop, It's so ridiculous, I can barely stop, I can hardly breathe, You make me wanna scream, You're so fabulous, You're so good to me, baby, baby



#12899 2007-11-03 08:27:46

Inregistrat: 2007-10-25
Mesaje: 11922

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

gata ma duc sa fac curatenie si mancare...ooofff smile

N. Iorga: "Unii oameni au demnitatea ambitiei lor, altii a situatiei lor, cei mai putini au demnitatea persoanei lor."
Eu le am pe toate trei...



#12900 2007-11-03 08:28:43

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2006-11-20
Mesaje: 6767

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

diseara cheeeef hjarta hjarta abia astept big_smile ce imi plac majoratele astea tongue

it doesn`t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect as long as they are perfect for each other



#12901 2007-11-03 08:53:22

Hero member
De la: Winnie the Pooh
Inregistrat: 2007-10-12
Mesaje: 3707

Re: Ce gandesti acum?

have fun, Dida; o zi usoara Mitzili





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