De cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?-168

#3174 2008-08-18 17:48:10

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2007-05-31
Mesaje: 5651

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

honeyica tre sa recuperati big_smile

hjarta "The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the "you" you love, well, that's just fabulous" hjarta



#3175 2008-08-18 18:49:55

Sr. member
Inregistrat: 2008-08-03
Mesaje: 1423

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

pai o sa muncim din greu rotfl

time is precious.....



#3176 2008-08-18 19:02:51

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2007-05-31
Mesaje: 5651

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

ce munca "nasoala" aveti rotfl
va "compatimesc" rotfl

Ultima oara a fost editat de YoHanna (2008-08-18 19:03:28)

hjarta "The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the "you" you love, well, that's just fabulous" hjarta



#3177 2008-08-18 19:09:54

Sr. member
Inregistrat: 2008-08-03
Mesaje: 1423

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

YoHanna a scris:

ce munca "nasoala" aveti rotfl
va "compatimesc" rotfl

pai sa stii k e munca...rotfl Ar trebui platita k e atata efort fizic, statul asta ar trb sa dea salariu ptr sex, ptr munca depusa:)))
ia uite ce idee mi a traznit:)))

time is precious.....



#3178 2008-08-18 19:11:47

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2007-05-31
Mesaje: 5651

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

rotfl2 pai da... lucrezi in conditii de umididate...caldura... rotfl

hjarta "The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the "you" you love, well, that's just fabulous" hjarta



#3179 2008-08-18 19:17:43

Sr. member
Inregistrat: 2008-08-03
Mesaje: 1423

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

YoHanna a scris:

rotfl2 pai da... lucrezi in conditii de umididate...caldura... rotfl cu tot corpul rotfl

time is precious.....



#3180 2008-08-19 05:04:36


Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

De azi-noapte. In total ieri de 3 ori big_smile asa mai venim de-acasa lol


#3181 2008-08-19 06:17:12

Hero member
De la: Iasi
Inregistrat: 2008-03-28
Mesaje: 2778

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

de azi-noapte si eu wink

pc  pc



#3182 2008-08-19 14:22:57

Alina Delia
Addicted member
De la: Cluj-Napoca
Inregistrat: 2007-12-16
Mesaje: 12952

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

de 10 min

Cine rade la urma....gandeste mai incet dumbom



#3183 2008-08-19 15:17:31

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2007-05-31
Mesaje: 5651

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

norocoaselor tongue

hjarta "The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the "you" you love, well, that's just fabulous" hjarta



#3184 2008-08-19 15:22:43

Alina Delia
Addicted member
De la: Cluj-Napoca
Inregistrat: 2007-12-16
Mesaje: 12952

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

YoHanna a scris:

norocoaselor tongue

tu ? hmm why?

Cine rade la urma....gandeste mai incet dumbom



#3185 2008-08-19 15:40:30

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2007-05-31
Mesaje: 5651

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

rotfl2 acuma am citit la offtopic... nu nu eu lol doar m-ai vazut si prin restu zonelor lol

hjarta "The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the "you" you love, well, that's just fabulous" hjarta



#3186 2008-08-19 15:45:36

Alina Delia
Addicted member
De la: Cluj-Napoca
Inregistrat: 2007-12-16
Mesaje: 12952

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

YoHanna a scris:

rotfl2 acuma am citit la offtopic... nu nu eu lol doar m-ai vazut si prin restu zonelor lol

rotfl rotfl rotfl aaaa te intrebam tu de ce nu esti norocoasa? adica why not having sex..tare cum s-a inteles totusi .rad in hohote rotfl rotfl rotfl

Cine rade la urma....gandeste mai incet dumbom



#3187 2008-08-19 15:47:09

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2007-05-31
Mesaje: 5651

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

rotfl2))) rotfl2)) rotfl2))) si eu la fel rotfl2 rotfl2)) rotfl2)))

pai eu nu sunt de un timp k fac tratament si ma abtin wink dar voi curand big_smile o sa recuperez tot lol

hjarta "The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the "you" you love, well, that's just fabulous" hjarta



#3188 2008-08-19 15:48:45

Alina Delia
Addicted member
De la: Cluj-Napoca
Inregistrat: 2007-12-16
Mesaje: 12952

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

YoHanna a scris:

rotfl2))) rotfl2)) rotfl2))) si eu la fel rotfl2 rotfl2)) rotfl2)))

pai eu nu sunt de un timp k fac tratament si ma abtin wink dar voi curand big_smile o sa recuperez tot lol

cool patfierbinte cool patfierbinte cool drink

Cine rade la urma....gandeste mai incet dumbom



#3189 2008-08-19 16:11:13

Insomniac member
De la: ei
Inregistrat: 2008-03-19
Mesaje: 7980

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

de... 2 zile big_smile
sh c bine a fost

Everything will be ok in the end.
If it's not ok, it's not the end.



#3190 2008-08-19 16:14:56

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2007-05-31
Mesaje: 5651

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

alta norocoasa big_smile lol

hjarta "The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the "you" you love, well, that's just fabulous" hjarta



#3191 2008-08-19 20:02:26

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2008-03-09
Mesaje: 8647

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex? la mine a trecut o saptamana si cam vreo doua-trei zile sad
da' lasa ca ne luam revansa noi YoHanna :devil:



#3192 2008-08-19 20:03:48

Insomniac member
Inregistrat: 2007-07-23
Mesaje: 6279

Re: de cat timp n-ati mai facut sex?

de azi la pranz





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