Nu esti logat. Incerc sa ma las...-5#77 2008-11-27 16:35:30
Re: Incerc sa ma las...de ce nu mergi si tu la doctor?ti-ar fi mult mai simplu ★★★ Candle light, moon light, star light, The brightest glow is from love light ★★★ Offline #78 2008-11-27 16:46:19
Re: Incerc sa ma las...
ce medicament? Offline #79 2008-11-27 16:51:22
Re: Incerc sa ma las...champix se numeste.In prma sapt ia o pastila si in paralel fumeaza,in a 2 a nu va mai simti nevoia sa fumeze cica si ia cate 2 pastile.Tot la 2 sapt mergem la medic,tratamentul dureaza cateva luni,dar cica nu a avut nici un esec pana acum. ★★★ Candle light, moon light, star light, The brightest glow is from love light ★★★ Offline #80 2008-11-27 17:25:34
Re: Incerc sa ma las...da e sanatos oare sa ia medicamente din astea? fara nu se poate? Offline #81 2008-11-27 17:27:05
Re: Incerc sa ma las...andru,mai''nesanatos decat fumatul''nu are cum sa fie Nu ştiu care este cheia succesului , dar cea a eşecului este să încerci să mulţumeşti pe fiecare..... Offline #82 2008-11-27 18:18:39
Re: Incerc sa ma las...si eu ma inscriu in "club " incerc sa ma las dar nu pot , am avut o pauza de 2 ani (sarcina +alaptat) ... acum nu pot , defapt nu stiu cu ce pot sa inlocuiesc gestul ...asta e cel mai important pt mine, si motivul pt care fumez Offline #83 2008-11-27 18:25:07#84 2008-11-27 18:45:00
Re: Incerc sa ma las...pai aveam deja 9 si daca mai punem 5, ca statui la palavre si cafea se fac 14 Ultima oara a fost editat de lucia05 (2008-11-27 18:47:40) I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #85 2008-11-27 18:48:05
Re: Incerc sa ma las...
E biiine Offline #86 2008-11-27 19:43:08
Re: Incerc sa ma las...
eu nu mai fusei pe aici sa te sustin...dar vezi ca doar 2 mai ai voie Cat a trecut de la 10 septembrie 2011? Copil iubit, bine ai venit in viata noastra! 17.02.2013 Lucruri crosetate ieftine Offline #87 2008-11-27 20:10:11
Re: Incerc sa ma las...stai linistita, maje. cand imi vine "nebuneala ma duc si o pup pe Oky, se mai face ca ma musca imi fac de treaba I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #88 2008-11-27 20:18:34
Re: Incerc sa ma las...
are mlte reactii adverse,dar oricum tratamentul dureaza 3 luni pe cand fumatul toata viata si face mult mai mult rau.fara medicamente nu poate,este mult prea dependent si nu este vb de vointa,el daca nu fumeaza nu mai judeca,nu ar mai putea merge la lucru,plus ca i-ar fi f rau.A mai incercat si stiu. ★★★ Candle light, moon light, star light, The brightest glow is from love light ★★★ Offline #90 2008-11-27 20:31:36
Re: Incerc sa ma las...hai lucia !!! Poate ca par fragila, neajutorata si nepamanteana, dar am structura de otel. Offline #91 2008-11-27 20:34:43
Re: Incerc sa ma las... mamaaa! ce galerie am!!! I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #92 2008-11-27 22:06:26
Re: Incerc sa ma las...si inca 1, ultima pe azi I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline #93 2008-11-28 08:30:52
Re: Incerc sa ma las...lucia, ieri au fost 15 nu? cel putin eu asa numarai Cat a trecut de la 10 septembrie 2011? Copil iubit, bine ai venit in viata noastra! 17.02.2013 Lucruri crosetate ieftine Offline #94 2008-11-28 08:34:09
Re: Incerc sa ma las...
15? Offline #95 2008-11-28 08:35:57
Re: Incerc sa ma las...neatza!!! am numarat si eu ...15 fata de 35 acum 2 zile, e ceva! I am who I am and I choose to be me! He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog / You are his life, his love, his leader He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart / You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion! Offline
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